📄️ Architecture Overview
The Architecture Overview of Evershop platform. Explains about project structure contains node_modules, media, cache, config, extensions ...
📄️ Configuration
Configure the EverShop application. Setup your shop information and configure the database connection. Extend configuration for different deployment environments
📄️ Command Lines
List of EverShop command lines which help you to build and launch your online store with detail explain.
📄️ The Routing System
The document explains how does EverShop routing system work, how to define a route and generate a URL base on route ID.
📄️ The Middleware System
Learn about the middleware system in EverShop. How do they work and how to create, add and remove a middleware function from a route.
📄️ Pages
EverShop pages are located in the `pages` folder of each module. Learn how to create a page in your extension.
📄️ RESTful API Routes
EverShop supports API Routes, which allow you to build your API endpoints to provide backend functionality. Learn how it works here.
📄️ The Graphql
The document explains how does EverShop GraphQL system work, how to create a GraphQL type and extend the existing GraphQL type.
📄️ Data Fetching
EverShop allows you to fetch data from the server using the GraphQL query language. This document explains how to fetch data from the server and pass it to React Component using GraphQL.
📄️ Events and Subscribers
EverShop provides a powerful event system that allows you to subscribe to the event and execute your code when the event is triggered.
📄️ Cron Jobs
EverShop provides a powerful cron job system that allows you to schedule tasks to run at specific intervals.
📄️ Hookable and getValue
Description of the hookable and getValue functions in EverShop. How to use them and what they do.
📄️ The Database
Learn what a database is and how to work with database in EverShop. Create and modify PostgreSQL database by following this tutorial.
📄️ Database Migration
Learn how to use migration scripts to upgrade your database schema
📄️ Static File Serving
EverShop allows you to serve static files, like images, in the public directory. You can learn how it works here.
📄️ Fast Refresh
Fast Refresh is a Evershop feature that gives you instantaneous update on edits made to your code. It is enabled by default in the development mode.
📄️ Translation
This page will help you to understand how to translate your Evershop app. How to make your theme translatable.